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English proofreading skills certification (AP Style) Exam USD 10
U.S. English Proofreading Skills (AP Style) Test, U.S. English.
English Proofreading Skills Certification (AP Style) Global Leaders in Online Certification and Employment Testing. Brainmeasures(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified company.
  • Freelance Proofreading and Copy-editing - Proofreading test

  • The following passage contains several common errors of the type you are likely to come across in a set of proofs (though not as closely clustered as here, I hope).
    GRE Test Store | GraduateTestPrep.com - GRE Online Practice Tests.

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    ExpertRating offers an online U.S. English Proofreading Skills Test (AP Style). Candidates who pass the U.S. English Proofreading Skills Test (AP Style) receive a.

    Well, we wanted to find out. To test the mettle of. We call it The Test. This diabolical exercise in proofreading has induced a sheen. (Yes, this is strictly an AP deal.

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