Hi, i am 32 weeks and i noticed this too! How funny lol. Why does my urine smell so bad during pregnancy?? Could a strong urine smell be a symptom of pregnancy?
I noticed that my urine smells stronger in pregnancy, is it normal.
Early Pregnancy Symptom - Strong Smelling Urine | Countdown to.
Best Answer: I don't know if it is normal for most women, but I had exactly what you were talking about when I was pregnant. Some days were better than. 32 weeks and having foul smelling urine and leaking more than. Need Help with Strong ammonia smell in urine at 33 weeks pregnant. During early pregnancy urine may become darker in colour and/or have a. 15DPO and my urine has a strong smokey smell also.
Currently 32 weeks and 4 days. Over the weekend I noticed my urine has a very foul smell. Not a strong urine smell, a bad. are safe ones to take while pregnant.
strong urine smell 32 weeks pregnant Does your urine smell different in early pregnancy? : Pregnancy